  • targeted attacker
    Targeted Attackers
    Recent incidents of cyber attacks on financial institutions, JP Morgan and others, appear to be under targeted cyber-attacks. That is, the attackers are quiet, prepared and they are invisible at least for now. And it isn’t as if Chase hasn’t invested in threat protection. This year alone, it plans to spend more than $250 million on cybersecurity, according to a letter to investors from April.
  • password
    1 Billion Passwords Stolen
    A Russian crime ring has accumulated over 1 billion Internet credentials, The New York Times is reporting [1]. The hacking ring, apparently based in a small city in south-central Russia, is said to have 1.2 billion stolen usernames and passwords, including access to 500 million email addresses.
  • News Thumbnail
    Security for Mobile Devices

    Mr Freeman Ng, our Principal Consultant was interviewed by Roadshow on 24 July 2014 featured “Security for Mobile Device”.

  • backdoor
    Close the Backdoors Please
    A backdoor can be inserted by vendor for remote support or by cyber actor for unauthorized system access. Backdoors present significant risks to enterprises because potentially anyone who knows or finds out about one could abuse it and not be easily detected.
  • Title
    Why Cybersecurity Is a Losing Game


    In the recent publication of MIT Technology Review on "Cyber Attacks"[1], among other things cyber criminals, cyber-spies, hacktivists, and state-sponsored actors are key players.



    Nine classification patterns covered the majority (92%) of 100,000 security incidents of past 10 years, according to Verizon's 2013 study [2].

    The basic patterns are listed below.

    1. Point of Sales Intrusions

    2. Web Application Attacks