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The Value of Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing is a cyber security practice during which some trusted party attempts to detect and exploit weaknesses in the targets' security. The targets can be infrastructure (firewall, router, servers, etc.), applications and data / intellectual property.

The Story of a White Hat Hacker

The Person

Tom is employed as a cybersecurity consultant in town. Some call him an ethical hacker or white hat hacker; he doesn’t care. In his thirties, he's at the golden age of life. Nonetheless, Tom can seldom have one or two quiet dinners with his wife and kid in a month. Work-life balance means not much to him. Often he starts his job at mid-night in a freezing data centre or a deadly quiet office.


On Certainty Level of Digital Evidence

Cyber attacks and online criminal activities are growing rapidly. However the level of certainty of digital evidence is not explicitly presented by the investigators. This may lead to misinterpretation and shaky conclusion.
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